Financial Tune-Up - Part 9a Save Money a Little Bit More

Financial tune-up on how to save money a little bit more is part of becoming financially healthy.  We covered quite a few on the last web page but this time we will see how we can save a little bit more on our pets.  So here’s how we can save more on our pets.

Choose the Right Food for Your Pet

They say that buying more expensive or premium pet food will save us money in the long run.  It makes sense because eating good foods will make the pet healthier and so it will be less trip to the vet.  Besides the higher premium pet food contains more protein and carbohydrates so your dog will eat less of it.

Let us compare the premium food with the cheaper variety that mostly contains corn gluten.  The latter one will not make the dog feel full because it is mostly made of corn gluten meal.  And the worst part is that it will not make the pet live longer.  Now that is not going to help with the financial tune-up, will it?

Serving the pet dry foods is better than serving wet food because the
dry food is more dense while the wet food is mostly water.  The pet will feel fuller sooner and so you will go to the pet store fewer times and of course did I mention that you will visit the vet less?

What pet foods in this case should you be looking for?  Well, you should get your pet foods that have chicken, lamb, fish meal or chicken and lamb meal as the #1 ingredient.  A good pet food may cost $30 a bag but then it is filling so the pet will eat less and the bag may last about a month.  Don‘t get foods for your pet that are corn-based. 

Choose a Vet You Can Trust and Afford

Find a pet with a good reputation who is recommended by pet owners who have hired him before.  Do some comparison of prices charged for the pets and get a pricing schedule before hiring the vet to care for your pet.  This way you will not be surprised at the cost when you get the bill and as well you are working for your financial tune-up. 

Shop for a good vet and when you find one, stay loyal to him.  Once you are loyal to the vet he may throw in some extras like baths, overnight stays and nail clippings.  Vets take care of their loyal customers too.  This is one way you can save on your pet care.

So the above is how you can get extra cash by saving on your pet care.  Remember that saving on pet care does not mean you will be cheap for this will just put your pet’s health in jeopardy.  But how about if you cannot afford a vet?  Well, my friends, stay tuned for in the next article I will show you where to go which will help you save money to take care of your financial tune-up.

By Roger Guzman, M.D. and Evelyn Guzman

Trying to save a little bit more on your dog’s food? Listen to this and cry: The Shocking Truth About Commercial Dog Food Revealed!

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